Even the youngest infant can experience
nature from a stroller or bassinet. Try finding
a spot under a tree where they can
experience the wind, light, and shadows
while taking in the sounds of birds, animals
and insects. Lay them in the grass so that
they can begin to experience being a part of
Take your infant hiking with you. Allow them to have a clear view of the landscape so that it becomes second nature to them.
As part of a bedtime routine say goodnight to the moon, the stars, or their favorite tree.
Take frequent walks with children when you can be leisurely, allowing them to follow their interests. Encourage them to explore every yard - all the bushes, flowers, trees, etc. Remind them to not trample anything they are exploring.
Lie down and look up at the night sky. Gently encourage conversation about the wonder and awe of so many stars. Listen for the sounds of owls, whip-poor-wills, peepers and other nocturnal creatures.
Sit comfortably together and watch raindrops on the window. Trace the patterns the raindrops make with your fingers. Take your child out into the rain and let them feel the drops on their faces and the wind in their hair.
When choosing books to read out loud to your child, choose nature related ones.